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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Top 10 RPG Video games in last year

This top ten list of video games is originated from

Best RPG Video Game

Top Ten Video game RPGs of all time Don't agree with the list? Place your vote or add a new item for others to vote on.

1) Secret of Mana
“best game eva there hasnt been any other rpg better in qualityy action n story....god bless square”

“This is number one Secret of Mana is not the people who voted for Secret of Mana are half retarded is almost fact that Final Fantasy VII is number one.”

“hell yeah”
“People face it, if there was any game better than this, it would have to be Pacman or Mario, and that’s only because They are Pacman and Mario. When It comes to gameplay, storyline, graphics(relative to release date), interactiveness, strategy, quality, length, depth and of course humor and soundtrack...and quality, there can be no other. FF7 changed the world, end of story. If it wasn’t for FF7 we would all be playing dragon quest.”

3) The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
“Extremely addictive and fun. You can do virtually anything.”
“oblivion owns all >:D”

4) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
“this is one of my most favorite games.its awesom e”
“The game won over 40 game of the year awards.”
“A great game with a huge number of chioces. It also has a great twist twords the end...”

5) Tales of Symphonia
“Best Rpg on a Nintendo system period”

6) Chrono Trigger
“Best rpg game for the snes! I love this game.”
7) Fallout
“A TRUE classic! Beautiful graphics, sound, story and game play. A unique gritty world to explore!”
“Fallout is a world of its own.”
“Absolute legend.”
8) Final Fantasy X
“FFX is better than FFVII, and they should both be the top 2.”
“Second best rpg only to final fantasy 7!!this should be #2 and ff7 should be #1!”

9) Final Fantasy VIII
“Best FF ever to be made by Square... Lets hope for FF VIII-2”
“Wish they would have done a movie about this, instead of the "overhyped" FF7, the plot here is so much deeper.”
“Compelling storyline with in depth character customization. Best of the series.”

10) Golden Sun
“Its story line was as gripping as an excellent novel”
“Golden Sun: The Lost Age is the best one.

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